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Child (Asrai)

Like a long day in life Never so strong is the mercy inside I feel my eyes turn to the skies Sliding slowly, melting in your eyes You cover up the cruelty They built so carefully for all thoseyears You cover up the cruelty They built so carefully for all those years Spit on Mother Nature When you yearn and cry out her name And cry out her name Cry little child our bodies Drown our sorrow tomorrow How painful it is to watch you vanish Don't say you're sorry cause you can't Fill this hole You cover up the cruelty They built so carefully for all thoseyears You cover up the cruelty They built so carefully for all those years Spit on Mother Nature When you yearn and cry out her name And cry out her name How lonely is the darkness of the night Say goodbye to a lost friend Desperatly seeking to remain Fall into girief that finally turns to silence When silence turns into madness An endless rage against all odds Spit on Mother Nature When you yearn and cry out her name And cry out her name The sour taste of sorrow