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Mistress Tears (Dismal Euphony)

I have deserved all tongues to speak their bitterness over me The lake of my treasures darken, being blown with the wind I have deserved all tongues to speak their bitterness over me The lake of my treasures darken, being blown with the wind As the earth does weep, the sun being set Each flower moistened like a like a melting eye I have deserved all tongues to speak their bitterness over me The lake of my treasures darken, being blown with the wind Her circled eye enforced by sympathy Of those fair suns set in her mistress sky Who in a salt-waved ocean quench their light Which makes the maid weep like the dewy night Grief dallied with no law or limit knows Deep woes roll silent like gentle wind Behold the thorns hidden under each rose Distress like dumps when Time is kept with tears I have deserved all tongues to speak their bitterness over me The lake of my treasures darken, eternally!