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Scenario (Dismal Euphony)

Talking to an abstract yet figurative image of myself Seen vaugely from this dim and misty place All those beings are like faceless and with tranquilled hearts All those beings are like faceless and with tranquilled hearts Words like hunted flesh They return again... and again Words like hunted flesh They return again... and again 'Cause I no longer care! Fuck you all out there! 'Cause I no longer care! Fuck you all out there! Calling up the stairs of pain Walking down those stairs again I am barely the shadow of my former self 'Cause I no longer care! Fuck you all out there! 'Cause I no longer care! Fuck you all out there! The scent of nature's filth The mirrors of grasping illusions Those from behind the veil vanished before me As tearsdrops into the rain 'Cause I no longer care! Fuck you all out there! 'Cause I no longer care! Fuck you all out there!