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Get up and die (Eatmewhileimhot!)

You are a couch potato And you know what we do with couch potatoes We make them get up and die (die, die, die) Get off your sorry behind And do something with your pathetic life You have become a parasite Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Now that you have woken from your slumber What do you have to say for yourseff? Doesn't you feel cool? (cool, cool, cool) Getting up off your sorry behind And doing something with your life Is something everyone should do (do, do, do) Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die Get up and die