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Dinner Party (White Rabbits)

Somebody right above me gets up from her chair The ceiling shakes when he makes his way down the stairs The lights go out, put a finger to your mouth There is nothing we can get away within this house Would be so hard Would break your heart Would waste of time I know it's a diamond mine All our friends are doing fine And there's a dinner party right across the hall And I hear neighbors laughing through the kitchen wall And I hear the sound of a plate crash to the ground When I turn the table on its side it'll shake the house Would be so hard Would break your heart Would waste your time I know it's a diamond mine All our friends are doing fine So I won't ask again Somebody might bemoan me, screaming in these rooms You keep your mouth shut if you know what is good for you The lights go out, I can hear bad things around There is nothing we can get away within this house Would be so hard Will break your heart Will waste your time I know it's a diamond mine All our friends are doing fine So I won't ask again