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Bombsite Boy (The Adverts)

Leapfrog over fences Little time, less senses Here by this railway cutting Life goes quick and it goes without warning That's how life is in my bombsite dwelling But I don't believe you have to be an idiot To get somewhere these days I don't believe you have to sell your soul And do what everybody says Or get carried away Nowadays I fall among the empty shells and pray Give thanks - I'm happy where I am It's just as well Well, I thank God I never closed my eyes Thank God I never compromised Bombsite boy, the bombsite boy Thank God I wasn't mesmerized Bombsite boy, the bombsite boy - the bombsite boy There's a killer in your subway An anarchist on your street There's a breakdown on your T.V. You can't find no relief In fact no feelings at all Your war is totally internal At least I'm sure that mine is - on the outside I can thank God I never closed my eyes Thank God I never compromised Bombsite boy, the bombsite boy Thank God I wasn't mesmerized Bombsite boy, the bombsite boy - the bombsite boy