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Sunlight (DJ Antoine)

I can feel the sunlight I love morning sunlight I can feel the sunlight After the party tonight You turn grey skies into blue This summer is here It's the anthem for y'all I'm riding my car With the top down and the wind blow Turn this up and let's celebrate We can't wait until the springbreak Everybody's swimming Backyard full of women Come on let sunlight in your heart This summer is here It's the anthem for y'all I'm riding my car With the top down and the wind blow Turn this up and let's celebrate We can't wait until the springbreak Everybody's swimming Backyard full of women Come on let sunlight in your heart I can feel the sunlight I love morning sunlight I can feel the sunlight After the party tonight You turn grey skies into blue This summer is here It's the anthem for y'all I'm riding my car With the top down and the wind blow Turn this up and let's celebrate We can't wait until the springbreak Everybody's swimming Backyard full of women Come on let sunlight in your heart