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Torches (Mos Generator)

I stumble the road with you by my side And if I can't make it you won't pass me by There's darkness ahead and darkness behind But lighting my way is a fire inside Torches may fade but their light doesn't lie I'll take my chances with you every time Torches ahead fade the darkness behind To numb the pain of the world passing by I carry the weight of a life I deny If I don't give in I may never get by I feel you around me - I feel you inside My heart may be withered but my heart hasn't died Torches may fade but their light doesn't lie I'll take my chances with you every time Torches ahead fade the darkness behind Torches may fade but their light doesn't lie Torches may fade but their light doesn't lie There's truth in your vision that your heart can't deny Torches may fade but their light doesn't lie There's truth in your vision, place your heart up on high Torches may fade but their light doesn't lie