C Cmi7 Cm7/6 Cmi7
Hold me close and hold me fast,
C Cmi7 Cm7/6 Cmi7
This mag - ic spell you cast,
Cm7/6 Cmi7 Dmi7 G7
This is La Vie En Rose.
Dmi Dm7+ Dmi7
When you kiss me, Heaven sighs,
Dm6 Dm6/G
And though I close my eyes,
Dmi7 Dm7/5- C Ami Dmi7 G7
I see La Vie En Rose.
C Cmi7 Cm7/6 Cmi7
When you press me to your heart,
C Cmi7 Cm7/6 Cmi7
I'm in a world a - part,
Cm7/6 C7 F
A world where ro - ses bloom;
A world where ro - ses bloom;
Fmi F#mi7 C9 C
And when you speak, An - gels sing from above;
Dmi Dm7+ Dmi7 G G7
Ev' - ry day words seem to turn into love songs.
C Cmi7 Cm7/6 Cmi7
Give your heart and soul to me
C Cmi7 Cm7/6 Dmi7
And life will al - ways be
G7 Dmi7 Fdimi C As7 Dmi7 G7
La Vie En Rose.
G7 Dmi7 Fdimi C
La Vie En Rose.