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Dig a Pony (Beatles)

A D A D A F#mi 1. I hi hi hi hi dig a pony Hmi G well you can celebrate anything you want Hmi G E7 yes you can celebrate anything you want oh 2. I hi hi hi hi do a roadhog well you can penetrate any place you go yes you can penetrate any place you go I told you so. G D A R: All I want is you G D A everything has got to be just like you want it to E7 because. 3. I hi hi hi hi pick a moondog well you can radiste everything you are yes you can radiste everything you are oh 4. I hi hi hi hi roll a stoney well you can imitate everyone you know yes you can imitate everyone you know I told you so. R: All I want is you everything has got to be just like you want it to because. 5. I hi hi hi hi feel the wind blow well you can indicate everything you see yes you can indicate everything you see oh 6. I hi hi hi hi dig a pony well you can syndicate any boat you row yes you can syndicate any boat you row I told you so. R: All I want is you everything has got to be just like you want it to because.