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I'm Missing You (Sanchez)

yeah i'ma missing you missing you talk to you but it's not the same as touching you and everytime you whisper my name i wanna run to you we'll be together and it won't be long it won't be long but it seems like forever and it's out of my arms baby cuz i'm missing you now and it's driving me crazy cuz i'm needing my baby i'm missing you now can't wait another moment baby cuz i'm missing you now needing you right here by my side is all that i can do arms around my pillow at night they should be holding you i was much stronger how could i know? how could i know? but it seems like forever and it's hard to be strong baby cuz i'm missing you now and it's driving me crazy i'm needing my baby i'm missing you now can't wait another moment baby cuz i'm missing you now said i'ma missing you now and it's driving crazy i'm needing my baby i'm missing you now can't wait another moment