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Wait On Time (The Fabulous Thunderbirds)

Well I don't live like a king And I don't drive a big car The gypsy woman was right When she said I would go far Just wait on time baby I'll be there one day Yeah, and until I get there baby All I can do is hope and pray Well you say you'll stick with me baby Stick with me through thick and thin I know someday baby My bad luck has got to end Just wait on me baby I'll be there one day Yes, and until I get there baby All I can do is hope and pray Well you say you'll stick with me baby Stick with me through thick and thin I know someday baby My bad luck has got to end Just wait on time baby I'll be there one day Yeah, and until I get there baby All I can do is hope and pray Well I live the life I love And I love the life I live The life I live baby Is all I have to give Just wait on time baby I'll be there one day Yeah, and until I get there baby All I can do is hope and pray Well, you just got to wait on time baby Yes, just wait on time baby Yeah, be good to me baby Because until I get there baby All I can do is hope and pray