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Hiroshima (Highasakite)

Why should I know, why should I care? That a tiny little thing, like the sun will once will be gone I'm sure it won't be until long Besides you and I will both be gone I should be digging my way to China With a shovel But winded up in Portugal Oh it's a long way to crawl And I missed the earth and it's blue walls But when I pop my head up in Hiroshima Heaven is just like earth only upside down And I carelessly walk around I carelessly walk around Nananana... Why should I know, why should I care? That a tiny little thing, like the sun will once will be gone I'm sure it won't be until long Besides you and I will both be gone I should be digging my way to China With a shovel But winded up in Portugal Oh it's a long way to crawl And I missed the earth and it's blue walls But when I pop my head up in Hiroshima Heaven is just like earth only upside down And I carelessly walk around I carelessly walk around But when I pop my head up in Hiroshima But when I pop my head up in Hi-ro-shima And I carelessly walk around I carelessly walk around But when I pop my head up in Hiroshima But when I pop my head up in Hi-ro-shima I carelessly walk around I carelessly walk around Nananana...