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Marry Me (Nightmare Of You)

I felt a love of such deafening weight Dangling from a balustrade of shilly-shally Overlooking infinity and this ecstasy of you lying next to me And in a peculiar way you clutched me By the shoulder, said, "Boy I barely know you But would you marry me?" We were floating about with our heads in the clouds And stealing those words from my mouth You whispered in my ear Exactly what I wanted to hear Composed a note of such jubilant things And placed it between bed and spring Of a hostile hostel overrun with shedding towelettes And Mexican maids and with indefinite fate I clutched you by the shoulder said, "Girl, I barely know you But would you marry me?" We were floating about with our heads in the clouds And stealing those words from my mouth You whispered in my ear Exactly what I wanted to hear Exactly what I wanted to hear Exactly what I wanted to hear