Far, far down Arkansas
There lived a squatter with a stubborn jaw
His nose was droopy red and his whiskers grey
He could fiddle all the night and all the day
Came a traveller down a road
Ask if he could find an inn
Can I find an inn?
C'mon, can I find an inn?
Far, far down Arkansas
Here come a government man talkin' to my pa
He told 'im uh, I gots to go to school
I gotta learn to be a gosh darn fool
Far, far down Arkansas
I was a squatter with a stubborn jaw
My nose is droopy red an' my whiskers grey
'Cause the Magical Mystery Tour has taken me away
Has taken me away
Far an' far down Arkansas
I was my mother and I was my pa
A gov'ment man and a-whiskey still too
And everywhere I'm a-lookin' at you
Far an' far down Arkansas
Are you stubborn look at your droopin' jaw?
Look at your droopin' jaw