Sugar, Free Donuts

If Hope Dies

there is this energy 
that flows from withing 
there is this volition 
that's constantly repressed 
the ability to connect 
to live and love without regret 
exists inside the self 
before barriers obscure it 
subdued by artificial means 
bondage that bites into weak flesh 
sedatives to tranquilize 
drain the meaning from our lives 
a theft, a self imposed sentenced 
doomed to watch devoid of passion 

we cannot stand idly by 
as the years are drained from our lives 
real truth and interaction 
obscured by false pretense 

do you think that you are free? 
is that really what you believe 
can you see out past the blinds 
placed on your perception 

there is no way not to notice those 
whose eyes are dull and lifeless 
succumbed to promises of fullfillment 
a tragedy of epic proportions 

there is this energy 
that flows from withing 
there is this volition 
that's constantly repressed 
the ability to connect 
to live and love without regret 
exists inside the self 
before barriers obscure it 

don't let numbness 
replace your spirit 
don't live in fear 
of the gifts you've been given 
we can never exist fully 
underneath chemical repression
