

Psychagogoi Gooi - I am the threne singer - Psychagogoi 
Gooi - whose song rouses death. Psychagogoi Gooi - All 
gnosis is learned - Psychagogoi Gooi - by the grave. 
Psychagogoi Gooi – I am the voice - Psychagogoi Gooi - of 
the tomb. Psychagogoi Gooi - Lament priest. Psychagogoi 
Gooi. Hermit of darkness

I am the threne singer whose song rouses Death from 
shadows. She partakes in my revere, and joins with me in 
cantor and in verse. For I am her muse, the sojourner of 
tomb incubation. Swathed in grave soil, ash and the 
shifting shadows of dusk. I wail my threnody with the 
sepulchral tongue of goetia, and open the gates of 
twilight to bare the tunnels of Night. It is here that in 
hymn I proclaim myself Deaths neophyte and brave a black 
ocean that knows no shores. I am the dirge harpist whose 
song brings Death into my heart. She partakes of my flesh 
and joins with me in the stilling of the breath. For she 
is my gate the black ship upon the shore of my ascension.
