Squeals of war
Come along with the last rays of light
Catch a last glimpse of the unknown ones
A shot of hatred - raise our minds to fight
And compel us into glory ride
Soon we all will be heroes
On the morrow of war
Light the sky - A fire inside
Unleashing the end, where no one survive
Ride out - Encouraged to fight
Now rise to his call and deny
Prophets sighs in dust and chilling winds
While we keep on counting days and sins
Make your moves in silence
Shaped in black-to-gold-gold-to-black-black-to-gold
As your slaves are on the road again
Soon we all will be heroes
On the morrow of war
Light the sky - A fire inside
Unleashing the end, where no one survive
Ride out - Encouraged to fight
Now rise to his call and deny
We're close to the edge
That turned a heart to stone
Even though we are free
I have to walk your way
Light the sky - A fire inside
Unleashing the end, where no one survive
Ride out - Encouraged to fight
Now rise to his call and deny
Zdroj: http://zpevnik.wz.cz