Don't Worry Children

The Lords Of The New Church

Awh come on! 
Little is needed to waste a man 
Tell him his life means nothin' man 
No crime bigger than obscurity 
Livin' under others is obsecenity- so obscene! 
If ya' busy lookin' out for number one 
Ain't no time for two? Ya' losin' all ya' won 
If ya' hide yer feeling-Get none in return 
If ya' gettin lonely-Friends ya' gotta earn 
I been waitin' on an angel to set me free. 
Don't worry children 
Everything's gonna' be alright 
Gonna' go to heaven 
I done all my time in hell 
Don't forget the past 
Gonna' come back on you once more 
It's yer own soul, now 
One thing you never ever sell 
Gonna' go to heaven 
Done all my time in hell 
