Murderers And Madmen

Scars of Tomorrow

Nightmare, this stands in front of you, these frames of 
broken glass of hidden images,
Of a time that you hope you can forget these are the 
burdens that you hide.
Nightmare, you stand so motionless with a crooked stance 
you hope to hide from this.
Behind the veil is the obvious to end this sleep to end 
this rage.
Behind the veil is the obvious, Nightmare, this is your 
nightmare come to life.
This is a different state of focus, where this night 
chooses every other day.
To end this sleep, to end this rage.
If these walls could talk they would know your name they 
see everything.
THE MURDER. Behind the veil is the obvious you are the 
only one, you live in blood and lust.
Behind the veil is the obvious you are the only one you 
live in blood and lust.
Behind the veil is the obvious,
To wake up in a sweat still living in your dreams, this 
isn't nearly over yet.
THE MURDER, this cold sweat grows stale still living in 
your dreams this isn't nearly over yet,
