No Place Like Home

Fat Ugly Crappy Kids

   G                D
1. You’ve been away You’ve been home
   A                    Hmi
   You’ve been weak and You’ve been strong
   It’s hard to believe It’s been so long
   Visit your friends Your mind tells you to do so

   G  A  D        F#mi Hmi
R: Oh Oh No place like home
   G  A  D       F#mi D
   Oh Oh Time to come home

2. Coming back It’s not very easy
   But you know it’s time To change your mind
   Trying to find a place to live
   A place to hide Come on let’s go back

R: Oh Oh...

3. You’ve made some money You’ve made some friends
   But there’s no place like Home In this universe
   You gave the best You could give
   It wasn’t not enough For these people here

R: Oh Oh...

4. Go on in your life and forget all the errors
   The lifestyle you couldn't get used to it
   All the changes and differences
   Go, rather than staying here

R: Oh Oh...
