Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun

Pink Floyd

   Am                   G              Am  G  Am
1. Little by little the night turns around, 
                             G           Am  G  Am
   Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn
   Dm                   C          Dm     C  Dm
   Lotus's lean on each other in yearning,
   Am               G              Am
   Over the hills a swallow is resting
   G  Am  F  Am  F  Am
                            G             Am G Am G Am G Am
2. Set the controls for the heart of the sun                      
   Am                 G                 Am G Am
   Over the mountains watching the watcher,         
                         G               Am   G Am
   Breaking the darkness waking the grapevine       
   Dm                   C               Dm  C Dm
   Knowledge of love is knowledge of shadow,       
   Am                      G            Am
   Love is the shadow that ripens the wine
   G  Am  F  Am  F  Am
                            G             Am  G Am G Am
3. Set the controls for the heart of the sun,
   The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun...  
   Am                    G            Am  G Am
   Witness the man who waves at the wall,
                           G               Am  G  Am
   Making the shape of his questions to heaven
   Dm                   C               Dm  C Dm
   Whether the sun will fall in the evening,
   Am                   G            Am
   Will he remember the lesson of giving?
   G  Am  F  Am  F  Am
                            G             Am  G Am
*: Set the controls for the heart of the sun,      
   The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun...
