

Coconut Grove 
Is a very small cove 
separated from the sea 
by a shifting shoal 
we didn't realize that 
we had arrived 
at high tide, high tide 
barely made it out alive

red over white
fishermen working at night 
not even once 
did we see a light 
we didn't realize 
the forecast had been revised 
by moonless skies and 
shifty wind that gusts and dies

on the sand our keel is heaving 
but tonight we've got to be leaving 
travel through the day and into the evening

Marathon how long we've been gone 
and still not yet set foot upon you

your low lying shore opens welcomingly 
to one who's spent the night at sea 
Adrift in the shallows, a modest repose 
adorn with coral, your bright colors show 
ushered in through a bridge that is never closed
