Ancient Black Spirit
Cruel Force
Obsessed by the sounds of darkness and evil
The Bells are tolling midnight shines bright
In Lord Satan's name we've sacrificed
Hailing the cult of Hades and watch heaven die
Ancient Black Spirit
Beware the unholy forces of hell
Possession the powers of evil unwind
Break free from the shackles of slavery tonight
Belial our warlord will bless us with might
The world it lies cold our legions have won
Satan's armies are gathered as one
The spirit of evil burns deep in our souls
This night none will defy our oath
Hellish inferno torments the mind
Blackness turning the day into night
Black magic rites performed for our lord
Total mayhem the code of this horde
Watch now your feeble faith tortured and raped
The force of the ancient cult cannot be tamed
Ruling this mortal world with iron fist
Striking with vengeancethrough fire and mist