The Muse

Howling Syn

the page was white but is no longer
 - you found her or did she find you?
 forgive her for upsetting your world
 behold the beauty your pain has grown

 you're drowning in her pool of thorns
 catching your breath on the moon-driven tides
 and clinging to your words and colors
 like bits of her flesh you want to make whole

 and she cries with you but of joy
 as she sees the blood you've masterpieced
 in trying to understand
 why her labyrinthine ways ever reached you

 I was naught before you came. Now my life's a work of art.
 Let me always take the blame but let nothing tear us apart.

 the page was white but is no longer
 - you found her or did she find you?
 forgive her for upsetting your world
 behold the beauty your pain has grown

 she cuts the wings you never thought you had
 as you sculpt her out of eternity
 into a mortal figure of love and punishment
 and your false hope stretches but never breaks

 Come to me, my muse. Torture me with my lamentations.
 Cruel one, you shan't refuse. My genius lies on your passions.
 You're my soul, my miracle! My desperately beautiful!
 Angel divine of purest gold! My wonderfully painful!

 until the fall, she holds your name
 until the fall... before the fame
