She's Crazy for Leavin' (Clark Guy)
Well the bus pulled away
In a roaring black cloud
I stood in the road
Honey I hollered right out loud
Hey Darlin’ I love ya
Hey bus driver whoa
But you can’t stop a woman who is out of control
She’s crazy for leavin’
I told her so
And the boys at the bus stop
Just said man let her go
She’s crazy for leavin’
I told her so
But you can’t stop a woman
Who is out of control
I punched out my truck
On a telephone pole
She never looked back
She just said go driver do
I know I could of stopped her
But I ran out of lock
She was long gone to Lufkin
But the time they got me out of the truck
She’s crazy for leavin’
I told her so
And the boys at the bus stop
Just said man let her go
She’s crazy for leavin’
I told her so
But you can’t stop a woman
Who is out of control
So I kicked and I cussed
That old east Texas road
I throwed rocks at my truck
Which had busted my nose
Add insult to injury
What do you get
A bust stop full honkys
That don’t never forget
She’s crazy for leavin’
I told her so
And the boys at the bus stop
Just said man let her go
She’s crazy for leavin’
I told her so
But you can’t stop a woman
Who is out of control