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Calvary (Burrell Kim)

Since the world began there has been God Many things and thoughts have changed About the dying of our Lord Oh, the pain that He went through for you and me On a hill called Calvary On Calvary my Jesus died He died for you and for me He died to save a wretch undone like me Oh like me On Calvary Jesus died He died for you and for me He died to save a wretch undone like me Oh, like me Each time I sin I know I've crucified my Lord again No, I've crucified Him again If I'm lost, I have only myself to blame Only myself to blame It was Calvary where they crucified my Lord Yes, it was Calvary where He purchased my salvation It was Calvary, Calvary where my Jesus died just for me It was Calvary where they crucified my Lord Yes, it was Calvary where He purchased my salvation It was Calvary, Calvary where my Jesus died He laid there never said a word It was Calvary where He saved a wretch undone just like me He didn't have to do it but He did It was Calvary where He hung, bled and died just for me For me, for me, for me, yes, He did it for me I was sinking deep in sin far from a peaceful shore Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry From the waters He lifted me now safe am I Oh, when He died He did it for me When He laid his life down He did it for me For me, I thank you, Lord, You did it for me