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Look For Something More (Brother Cane)

It's good to be so high. It's good to be here, on the moon. I've seen it all collide, every time. I look for something more, But nothing seems to please my eyes. And when I'm on the floor, I feel great, I feel fine. What the hell, come inside. I can feel the mist, it's falling, Falling down upon my face. I can hear an angel calling, Calling me to grace. Eat the seed and drink the water; Let it grow inside my mind. I believe I can find a heaven anytime. I want everything, And anything that it might bring; So I let you in. Never mind the way I'm livin'. I'm running into empty space. In a time where nothing's giving, Exit to a better place. Is it real or just obsession? I'm higher than the sky. I look for something more.