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Best Friends (Allstars)

Alright now Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Woooo alright now We are best friends We are best friends Sun out in the park Get a game a play until it's dark Catch a movie too Just some of the things we get to do Pick your favourite song Turn it up loud Come and dance along Our nights are fun And how the days, days Days roll on and on That's really cool I get to spend more Time with you That's A OK I'll be your best friend any day At the party I meet my best friends We go clubbing every weekend Take it through to a chillout Sunday (yea yea yea) Woo hoo hoo Alright now Yeah yeah yeah yeah Woo alright now We are best friends Best Friends We are best friends Sometimes we vibe out No need to scream no need to shout You know what to do Just call me up and we'll work it through We get up and get out We're out of sight (there ain't no doubt) Those little things you do A friend in need is a friend in deed That's really cool I get to spend more Time with you That's A OK I'll be your best friend any day At the party I meet my best friends We go clubbing every weekend Take it through to a chillout Sunday (yea yea yea) Woo hoo hoo Alright now Yeah yeah yeah yeah Woo alright now We are best friends Best Friends We are best friends Send a message to my best friend We get together every weekend Money's always spent by Monday (yea yea yea) Woo, hoo hoo Alright now, yeah yeah yeah yeah Woo alright now We are best friends Best friends We are best friends Looking out for you And that's what friends do You're always there for