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Question Everything (In:aviate)

It's time to segregate and divide Dissect the fragments and sever the ties We must ponder the questions and bring them to light I'm not believing what I'm thinking Not intending what I'm speaking Not receiving what I'm seeing I'm a mess in the best sort of way In the best sort of way Your whole life is barn a stage You were only here to entertain us All of your illusions of chance they have been masked with confidence I'm not believing what I'm thinking Not intending what I'm speaking Not receiving what I'm seeing I'm a mess in the best sort of way In the best sort of way Your whole life is barn a stage You were only here to entertain But you're questioning everything that you write And you don't know what's happening in your mind When you feel these thoughts taking hold And the world you know you're letting go When you feel these thoughts taking hold And the world you know you're letting go Your whole life is barn a stage You were only here to entertain But you're questioning everything that you write And you don't know what's happening in your mind