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If The Jukebox Took Teardrops (Leigh Danni)

If the jukebox took teardrops And the whiskey was free If that old car in the parking lot Drove home automatically If every curl on a honky tonk girl Didn't start those memories Wouldn't it be a wonderful world For somebody just like me How long can a man keep goin' Like every day's his last I've paid off the rent and the government Maybe I could pay off the past If the jukebox took teardrops And the whiskey was free If that old car in the parking lot Drove home automatically If every curl on a honky tonk girl Didn't start those memories Wouldn't it be a wonderful world For somebody just like me Wouldn't I be on easy street Livin' this life of mine I could keep right on till the hurt's all gone And it wouldn't cost me a dime If the jukebox took teardrops And the whiskey was free If that old car in the parking lot Drove home automatically If every curl on a honky tonk girl Didn't start those memories Wouldn't it be a wonderful world For somebody just like me If every curl on a honky-tonk girl Didn't start those memories Wouldn't it be a wonderful world For somebody just like me If the jukebox took teardrops And the whiskey was free