Prologue: Civil Blood Makes Civil Hands Unclean (Thorr Valient)
Alahoy! alahoy! let's come together now true believers!
it seems that once again we find ourselves alive here on
this planet, standing here as we do sometimes looking out
into that crowd that wants something. yellin out to all
those ears something baby. What do those ears bleed for?
Hope? Truth? well what if those ears don't like what they
hear? what if they decide like many that they are SO free
that they don't have to care. and what if my words would
not be so pure? seeing the end so many times, only to
come back to the beginning, its time for something
bigger, its time for something badder than before. its
time for the total universe man. Soon the whole of the
universe will rejoice into the unknown hallows of itself.
Alright true believers! it seems the time has come, i can
hear them knocking.... your future is beatin down our
door. what are you gonna do? are you gonna sit there? or
are you gonna get up and answer it? no ones there! you
can't see them, but i know i can help you find them. you
gotta take it to the streets. you gotta hunt them down,
and you gotta sweat pure energy. Secure the perimeter!
sound the alarms and remember one thing, THE DREAMS OF
TO TELL ABOUT IT. alright! let's give em a showdown!